Day 98 (Tuesday 21/02/17)

We received our final commission for this year today. Inspired by Art. It will be a similar commission to the last one that we did which is great because it gives us all an opportunity to be in something. However, I don’t particularly like the commission. Not because of the topic, which isn’t that great either but it’s due to the fact that one of our tasks requires us to come up with an idea that comes from an artwork that is inspired by theatre, dance or music.

People who still were behind on their last commission went off to finish whatever they had to and only four people remained: Me, Thalia, Jess and Mia. A bit sad that that’s the only people who finished all of their work. Since we had done everything we discussed with Lynn about what we’re going to do next and what our ideas are. We got some help with artists who could help us ‘get inspired’. Here are some of them:

Aubrey Beardsley
Arthur Rackham
Quentin Blake
Salvador Dali
Van Gogh
Leonardo da Vinci
Egon Schiele
Maggie Hambling
Edward Hopper

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